Health, Diseases and Immune System Wars!

Those having chosen the red pill are well aware of the ongoing assault on our immune system: Ruling elite aided and abetted with unloving care, dealt with by big medicine in the time-honoured tradition of ignorance, arrogance, ineptitude and quackery… I’m talking about the treatment of disease.

-Let’s put this into perspective. Poor health is caused by

1. Accident and injury


2. by disease

When it comes to the treatment of poor health caused by accident and injury big medicine does some sterling work. For examples, there have been amazing advances in medical technology and its applications such as keyhole surgery; prosthetic limb bionics and child heart transplants…

However, when it comes to the treatment of disease things are not so rosy. Let the facts speak for themselves. Over the years in spite of open cheques for conventional medical research institutions we’ve seen significant rises in heart disease, strokes, cancer, and diabetes with alarmingly increasing rates for children having type 2, then there’s autism which has gone from 1 in 20,000 some 40 years ago to the current statistic of 1 in 68…

The reason for these unqualified failures in getting the figures down?

It’s quite simple really. When health is put into the hands of greed-driven corporations, profits placed above the genuine welfare concern of patients; conventional medicine with its limited drug-based paradigm approach that only treats symptoms, causing side effects leaving potential openings for costly litigation.., this is what you get.

Doctors entered medicine with the intention to preserve or save lives and offer hope. They took the Hippocratic Oath promising to uphold ethical standards…

Does it bother them that their schooling taught them to harm patients starting at infanthood; administering an overpowering number of toxic vaccines to children with an undeveloped immune system, prescribe drugs that cause debilitating side effects or even accidental death, ignore vital life saving information related to nutrition and the mind-body-spirit connection; that which makes up the very fabric of our being..?

Those who can see beyond this dogmatic limited drug-based paradigm approach with its misrepresented narrow science, misguidance and deception… putting out the occasional media headline informing us of the latest disease ‘breakthrough’ but nothing ever comes of it… know in the name of longevity there has to be another way.

Of course, there IS another way.

After all, how long can the human race go on like this? Many are at least administratively well-planned for ill health or the event of death, but how many are actively well-planned for health? According to statistics there are good chances that many of us will not make it to give that retirement speech. Chances are there’ll be a fatal heart attack or stroke before, or get cancer, or 1 in 6 of us will have diabetes, 1 in 3 asthma, 1 in 4 a mental disorder, while 8 out of 10 stand to face the consequences of not exercising as high blood pressure and obesity continues to skyrocket.

The solution

-Having said all that the solution is to realize that the destiny of our health is in our hands. Ignorance is no longer an excuse. All the information needed to do the necessary research and take control is available. The war on our immune system can be won. The answer to health and longevity is in making simple, gradual changes in diet and lifestyle. Then there’s getting active in dealing with a number of environmental problems such as GMO, geo engineering, fracking etc…

Just how many extra healthy years of life this will give you depends on how committed you are to making those simple, gradual changes in diet, lifestyle and ‘health activism.’ Don’t you think your family and f

Your Keys to Good Health – Diseases and Vitamin Supplements

Health buffs like to avoid diseases like the plague by taking in a palm-ful of vitamin supplements everyday. But you really shouldn’t be afraid of diseases, and you should actually be more picky about your vitamin supplements. Here are some facts you need to know:

* Disease is a matter of habit

The number one causes of disease are toxicity and stress. When you don’t eat healthy or continuously lack sleep, toxins and stress hormones accumulate to the point that the body reacts suddenly and radically to release eliminate the toxins and stress (this is when you get sick).

Taking in drugs only suppresses the symptoms and gives only temporary relief – the body will be forced to release the toxins in a stronger manner, and you will get sick a worse kind of disease. The common cold is a very good example of this. If you frequently suppress colds with drugs it may become influenza. When suppressed it may become asthma, then skin eruptions and may then produce cancer and severe heart problems.

The next time you have a cold, you might want to simply let it be (no medicine) and instead drink more water and fruit juices.

* Vitamin supplements are not a substitute to a health diet

Take note of the word “supplement”, which means that they only act as support or add to your main source of nutrition. As it is, the vitamins and minerals in your body cannot be absorbed on an empty stomach. Raw fruits and vegetables remain the best sources of vitamins and minerals.

In their synthetic form, vitamins and minerals are difficult to absorb by the body – they have a chemical structure different from nutrients found in raw, unprocessed foods. Most of the nutrients found in synthetic vitamins are eliminated by the body.

* The best vitamin supplements are “chelated”

The best form of vitamin supplements is the chelated ones. Chelated vitamins pass the intestines and into the bloodstream more easily. The minerals in chelated health supplements are bound to amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein.

Chelation helps the minerals move more easily across the intestines and into the body’s blood stream. The body’s cells later draw out these nutrients from the blood. Once they are inside the body’s cells, the vitamins and minerals in your chelated health supplements then promote chemical reactions in the body that are needed for good health.

Pug Health Care – Some Chronic Health Diseases

Some of the really exotic as well as sophisticated dog breeds involve Pugs. These are really very cure and can easily attract you to stop and stare them. Their innocent beauty with their adorable features and pampering size makes them really outstanding. Compare to all the other dog breeds the Pugs are considered to be one of the quaintest ones with a simple yet elegant appeal. The history revels that they were formerly the part of the royal families. Their laid back attitude and warmth makes them a common friend of the human beings.

Pugs are really so innocent and thus their small pain also pinches us a lot. Therefore knowing their health problems well in advance is what we all need. You must be surprised to know that what you should look for when you find your dog sick? Coming over to pugs you can say that they can be easily maintained by the normal families but have a huge amount of physical energy which you will generally not find in the other small type breeds. Due to their small face and flat nose they generally suffer from the breathing problems.

These cute dogs have a tendency to bear the fat instantly and thus the bone related health issues are common in their body. They generally suffer brain inflammation but you may face a hard time to diagnose if your pet is healthy. Further we are explaining a few common symptoms seeing which you can confirm that your four legged friend is well or not. So watch out if your cute dog has these problems:

1. Encephalitis disease is the most common health issue associated with the pugs. Mostly the old aged pugs suffer with this kind of inflammatory disease.

2. As the pug grows elder in age the chances of attracting diseases also become stronger. So try to pay regular visit to the vet when your pug is aged as it is a better way to avoid any kind of fatal disease.

3. Hip dysplasia is a common disease in larger dog breeds but you pug can also be a poor victim of it. Here you need to get it to a vet as soon as possible.

Above are some of the chronic diseases that you beloved pooch can suffer thus it is better to take th

Serious Health Diseases That Challenge Men Today

When it comes to health, men unlike women show little concern. Maybe this could be the reason why women have a longer lifespan. Even though they both face many of the same health risks, more men die at an early age then women and this helps to verify that they are less conscious about their health. Men are facing some very serious health risks today and if they continue to ignore them, they will continue to have a very high disease and mortality rate.

The most common cause of death for men aged 30 and over is that of heart disease. Studies have shown that over 30 percent of all men throughout the entire world suffer from heart conditions. Those who have a family history of heart disease fall into the higher risk category along with those who choose to live an unhealthy lifestyle. There are several factors that contribute to heart disease such as smoking, drinking, eating high cholesterol foods and becoming a couch potato.

In order to get the upper hand on heart disease you need to get some form of daily exercise as well as eating a diet that is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Daily exercise alone can reduce your chances for heart attack or stroke by as much as 80 percent. This can be something as simple as a half hour walk in the park each day. You can also cut your risks by avoiding high cholesterol foods along with salt and sugar.

Another major cause of death in men is lung cancer and this is comparable to breast cancer in women. It is also the deadliest form of cancer for men. Lung cancer has claimed more victims in the last 10 years than all other forms of cancer combined. Smoking is the main cause of lung cancer and it can also be caused by second-hand smoke form people or smoke from automobiles.

The main ways to treat lung cancer are by chemotherapy and radiation, but the best thing to do is to prevent it by avoiding smoking along with secondhand smoke and by staying away from heavy polluted areas whenever possible.

Prostate cancer is the second most common type of cancer found in men. Although the cause of this cancer is not known, symptoms of this disease can be detected early through PSA or Prostate-Specific Antigen Test. The prostate glands produce this type of protein. If a blood test determines that there is a high level of PSA, it could mean that the prostate is affected with a disease and it could be cancer. Early detection is the key to having the cancer properly treated and cured.

Type II Diabetes is another common disease that millions of men in the United States are diagnosed with. Some men do not even realize that they have this disease. It is caused when the body does not produce enough insulin or it simply ignores it. When this happens, it causes glucose to build up in the blood instead of the cells where it is supposed to. There are races that have higher risks for this disease such as African Americans, Asian Americans and Latinos to name a few.

There are also other factors that contribute to the development of Type II Diabetes such as a person’s age and their family health history. A good way to try to avoid getting this disease is to eat a healthy diet along with getting some form of daily exercise and keeping a watchful eye on your weight. Even though there are no foods that are directly linked with diabetes, eating a healthy diet that is low in sugar will play a major role in regulating your insulin levels. Keeping a close eye on your blood sugar levels can also prevent serious complications from this disease.

Men over 40 who do not live a healthy lifestyle are really putting themselves in danger of developing one of the above diseases, especially if they choose to smoke, drink, overeat and do not get any form of daily physical exercise. The best way to try to avoid these diseases is to live a healthy lifestyle including daily exercise and see your doctor on a regular basis so you can have a yearly physical to ensure that you are healthy and fit.

I hope that you enjoyed this article and if you would like some free information on eating healthy, please visit my web site where you will find some great tips to help you live a long and healthy life.

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